China Calls for Calm After Hamas Attacks Israel

In response to Hamas’s assault on Israel from Gaza on Sunday, China urged calm.
A spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry issued the following statement: ““We call on relevant parties to remain calm, exercise restraint and immediately end the hostilities to protect civilians and avoid further deterioration of the situation,”

China will work “relentlessly” to endeavor to bring peace to the region, according to the statement.
“The recurrence of the conflict demonstrates once again that the lengthy impasse in the peace process cannot continue. Implementation of the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestine state is the primary means of resolving the conflict. The international community must act more urgently, said the spokesperson.

An Israeli diplomat in Beijing expressed his displeasure with the Chinese statement.
“Now is not the time to call for a two-state solution,” Yuval Waks told reporters, as reported by Reuters.
The majority of the reported casualties were civilians, and fighting persisted on Sunday.

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