Egyptian Policeman Kills Two Israeli

Egyptian Policeman Kills Two Israeli Tourists and One Egyptian at Tourist Site

The Egyptian Interior Ministry says that an Egyptian police officer opened fire on Israeli tourists in Alexandria, which is on the Mediterranean Sea. The shooting killed at least two Israelis and one Egyptian.

A security official who did not want to be named told the Extra News TV station, which has close ties to Egyptian security agencies, that the attack at Pompey’s Pillar in Alexandria hurt someone else.

It said that the accused attacker had been caught. The area of the attack was quickly blocked off by security troops.

A user-made video going around social media showed at least three ambulances taking the victims to hospitals while people watched from behind a police roadblock.

Two people were killed in Alexandria, according to Israel’s Zaka relief service.

The attack on Sunday happened while Israel was fighting Palestinian attackers who had come in from Gaza in large numbers.

Egypt made peace with Israel many years ago and has been a peacemaker between Israel and the Palestinians for a long time.

However, anti-Israeli sentiment remains strong in the country, particularly during violent outbreaks.

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